
Friday, December 5, 2008

NUS - Launch First Master of Landscape Architecture.

NUS Launches First Master of Landscape Architecture Programme, Supported by 24 Scholarships Worth $800,000.

Aspiring landscape architecture professionals can now look towards obtaining a Master degree in Landscape Architecture at the National University of Singapore (NUS). To support these professionals in their continuing education and training, the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) will introduce a Landscape Industry Scholarship Programme, where 24 scholarships worth about $800,000 will be given out in the next three years.

The NUS Department of Architecture is launching a two-year Master degree programme this year, the first Master degree to be supported and endorsed by the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA). It is also the first to be offered by a local university.

Students will be trained in architectural design, site planning, estate development, environmental restoration, town or urban planning and historic preservation, amongst others. Some of the key modules will emphasize tropical and urban conditions, sustainability and ecological conservation.
More details here.

passage from: http://newshub.nus.edu.sg/pressrel/0803/080312.html

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